Kyushin Ryu Jujitsu
Sutemi Waza – Sacrifice Techniques

Sutemi Waza – Sacrifice Techniques

Sacrifice throws have the defender go all the way to the ground in order to unbalance and throw the attacker. Techniques in which the defender only kneels in order to do the throw are classified as hand throws.

Tomoe Nage

(Stomach Throw)

Tani Otoshi

(Valley Drop)

Yoko Otoshi

(Side Drop)

Kani Basami

(Crab Scissors)

Ura Nage

(Back Throw)

Yoko Gake

(Side Hook)

Yoko Guruma

(Side Wheel)

Uki Waza

(Floating Technique)

Sumi Gaeshi

(Corner Counter)

Yoko Wakare

(Side Seperation)

Tawara Gaeshi

(Bale Counter)

Hikikomi Gaeshi

(Pull & Roll Counter)

Soto Makikomi

(Outer Winding)

Uchi Makikomi

(Inner Winding)

O Soto Makikomi

(Major Outer Winding)

O Uchi Makikomi

(Major Inner Winding)

Ko Uchi Makikomi

(Minor Inner Winding)