

The Kyushin Ryu School of Jujitsu is a Member School of the Australian Ju-jitsu Federation. These rules are formulated within the guidelines provided for Member Schools of the Australian Jujitsu Federation Incorporated, and comply in every respect with Rules of Grading and Code of Conduct for affiliated members.

    1. All gradings awarded within the Kyushin Ryu School of Jujitsu will be issued under the signature of the School Principal.
    2. Following a successful grading, the school will provide a certificate of grade signed by the grading authority.
    The Kyushin Ryu School of Jujitsu supports participation in the National Coaching Accreditation Scheme for all instructors and the NCAS Level 1 Jujutsu is to be achieved prior to confirmation of the rank of Shodan. Subsequent to Shodan a person is to hold a current accreditation prior to promotion to higher Dan ranks.
    The School Principal is responsible for the ongoing development and approval of a coaching and grading curriculum. The Curriculum will set down the assessment criteria and standards to be achieved for successful grading.
    1. For all student grades, the following order of belt rankings apply:
      10th kyu – yellow belt
      9th kyu – yellow belt with orange tip
      8th kyu – orange belt
      7th kyu – orange belt with green tip
      6th kyu – green belt
      5th kyu – green belt with blue tip
      4th kyu – blue belt
      3rd kyu – blue belt with brown tip
      2nd kyu – brown belt
      1st kyu – brown belt with black tip
    2. Sub-juniors Grades (Under 10 years) will be denoted by the member wearing the appropriate coloured belt, consisting of full colour and no markings.
    3. Junior Grades (Under 14 Years) will be denoted by the member wearing the appropriate coloured belt, consisting of full colour and a continuous white stripe down the middle of the belt:
    4. Senior Grades (14 years and over) will be denoted by the member wearing the appropriate coloured belt, consisting of full colour and a continuous red stripe down the middle of the belt:
    5. Conversion from one age group to the next. When a Sub-junior reaches the age of 10 years, or a Junior reaches the age of 14 years, they shall be reassessed and awarded a belt within the next higher age group category, depending on the level of assessment considered appropriate by the grading panel.
      1. The main focus for Sub-junior gradings shall be on learning and demonstrating the basic techniques.
      2. The main focus for Junior gradings shall be on applying their techniques in a Jujitsu skills competition environment.
      3. The main focus for Senior gradings shall be on utilizing their Jujitsu techniques for self-defence and in nominated unarmed combat situations.
    6. Assessment for Promotion (Kyu Grades) – All assessments for promotion will be conducted by one or more Dan grades under the authority of the School Principal.
    1. Dan Grades. For all Dan grades, the following order of belt rankings apply:
      Shodan black belt
      Nidan black belt with two red bars
      Sandan black belt with three red bars
      Yondan black belt with four red bars OR red and black belt
      Godan black belt with five red bars OR red and black belt
      Rokudan black belt with six red bars OR red and white belt
      Shichidan black belt with seven red bars OR red and white belt
      Hachidan black belt with eight red bars OR red and white belt
      Kudan black belt with nine red bars OR red belt
      Judan black belt with ten red bars OR red belt
    2. Assessment for Promotion (Dan grades)
      The School Principal will be the Chair of the grading panel and all grading examinations will be conducted under the assessment criteria set-down within the coaching and grading curriculum of the school.
    3. Panel Formation – The official panel shall be made up of a minimum of three members, all of whom are NCAS accredited within Jujutsu and who are graded to a rank not less than one Dan higher than the grade to be examined: Provided that in special circumstances the School Principal may approve a panel where two members of the panel who have considerable experience beyond their personal grade level, are of a rank equal to the grade to be examined.
    4. Mat Steward – The School Principal may appoint a member of appropriate rank and ability to control the mat and convey the requirements of the panel to the candidate. This person may be invited by the panel to express an opinion as to the success of the grading.
    5. Successful Grading – The approval of a successful grading and awarding of the consequent promotion will require the support of the School Principal and at least one of the nominated three members of the official panel.
    6. Re-grading Following An Unsuccessful Grading – Should any grading be unsuccessful then a further three months must elapse before becoming eligible for re-examination. A member who has been previously unsuccessful, may be required to repeat all requirements of the grading at the time of re-examination.
    1. Time Lapse Through Senior Kyu Grades to Achieving Shodan – Progression through the Senior Kyu grades is competency based and there is no strictly applied minimum time period. However, as a guide it is expected that a person attending regular training and of reasonable ability would progress to Shodan in approximately six years.
    2. Time Lapse Between Black Belt Gradings – The minimum time limit before becoming eligible for higher gradings, shall be calculated by reference to the following schedule
      Years Between GradesYears Since ShodanMinimum Age
      Sho Dan16
      Ni Dan1117
      San Dan2319
      Yon Dan3622
      Go Dan41026
      Roku Dan51531
      Shichi Dan62137
      Hachi Dan72844
      Ku Dan83652
      Ju Dan94561
    3. Involvement – During the interim years the member is to take an active interest in the administrative duties of the school, to pass on their knowledge of Jujutsu and to generally assist in the promotion of the objectives of the school. The School Principal may reject or defer an application for grading where the applicant has not demonstrated compliance with these requirements.