Nage Waza

Nage Waza

A throw is any technique in which the attacker’s feet are lifted off the ground by the defender in the execution of the technique. A number of techniques are named as throws but in fact are not true throws because the defender does not lift the attacker’s feet off the ground, the attacker usually jumps in order to avoid being injured by the throw or in order to place themselves into a better position to fall without injury.

Throws are perhaps the most spectacular of all Jujitsu techniques and are what Jujitsu is most recognised for amongst the general public. They form an extremely effective set of techniques for defence because of their effect on an attacker. Once unbalanced and thrown forcefully to the ground, few attacker’s are able to recover quickly and resume their attack. Locks rely on pain and the attacker’s desire to avoid that pain in order to be effective. Throws rely on the force of the entire body hitting the ground to wind, shock and damage the attacker, thus effecting the mental unbalancing required to convince an attacker to stop attacking. Few people who are not trained in how to fall, and are used to being thrown, are able to cope with throws without being totally disoriented and injured

A number of throws can be done while applying locks to the attacker’s joints to unbalance them. Such throws are not common in many Jujitsu systems because many of these have developed from Judo which has no such throws for safety reasons.

Throws fall into a number of different classifications based roughly on what part of the defender’s body is actually doing the throw.

  • The defender uses their hip as a fulcrum to throw the attacker over.
  • The defender uses their hands to force the attacker over some part of their body or throws the attacker by use of their hands only.
  • Leg throws are effected by driving the attacker onto one leg and then the defender uses their leg to remove the attacker’s supporting leg.
  • When the defender sacrifices their own balance in order to pull the attacker off balance and then throws them. Sacrifice throws are further sub-divided into those that are done by falling in font of the attacker and those in which the defender falls to the side of the attacker.

Many systems include another group of shoulder throws. A number classify these as hand throws. The classification of techniques within a system is done only as a way of making them easier to keep track of and it makes little difference whether shoulder throws form a separate group or not; what is important is that the classifications are consistent within the system.

Koshi Waza

(Hip Techniques)

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Ashi Waza

(Leg Techniques)

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Kata Waza

(Shoulder Techniques)

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Te Waza

(Hand Techniques)

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Sutemi Waza

(Sacrifice Techniques)

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