Kyushin Ryu Jujitsu
Ukemi no Kata

Ukemi no Kata

Forms of Breakfalls


Both Tori and Uke walk onto the mat from opposite sides, and stand facing each other, about 5 metres apart. Together, they turn towards the joseki and perform a standing bow.

In that position, they then kneel down to a sitting position at the same time, in these movements:

kneel on the left knee; kneel on both knees; all toes flat on the mat; sit facing each other; perform a sitting bow.

Tori and Uke then stand, rising from the seated position in the opposite sequence. Tori and Uke then take one pace forward, commencing on the left foot, and adopt a position of readiness.


Tori and Uke take one step towards each other, so as to pass each other on their right hand sides. Both perform a right side breakfall, and then stand up. They then take two more steps forward and perform a left side breakfall. They both stand, turn and face each other.

Tori and Uke both perform a right forward roll, passing each other on their left hand sides. When rolling out of the roll and turning towards the direction from where they started the roll, they follow on into a rolling back breakfall, rising to their feet and adopt a fighting stance with kiai.

Tori and Uke face each other, and adjust their gi.


Tori and Uke both perform a left forward roll, passing each other on their right hand sides. When rolling out of the roll, they continue in the same direction of travel, and perform a forward dive breakfall.

Tori and Uke take a step toward each other and turn into two rolling back breakfalls, passing each other on their left hand sides. After completing the second fall, they rise to their feet and adopt a fighting stance with kiai.

Tori and Uke face each other, and adjust their gi.


Tori and Uke both perform a left forward roll, passing each other on their right hand sides. When rolling out of the roll, they continue in the same direction of travel, and perform a hand-stand back breakfall.

Tori and Uke both perform a right forward roll, passing each other on their left hand sides. When rolling out of the roll and turning towards the direction from where they started the roll, they follow on into a rolling back breakfall, rising to their feet and continue into a forward dive breakfall with kiai.

Tori and Uke face each other, and adjust their gi.


Tori and Uke stand facing each other, and take one step backwards, commencing on the right foot, and prepare to perform a sitting bow.

In that position, they then kneel down to a sitting position at the same time, in these movements:

kneel on the left knee; kneel on both knees; all toes flat on the mat;
sit facing each other; perform a sitting bow.

Tori and Uke then stand, rising from the seated position in the opposite sequence. Together, they turn towards the joseki and perform a standing bow. They then turn to face each other, and step backwards off the mat area, to end the kata.