Kyushin Ryu Jujitsu
Kyushin Jitsu Kata

Kyushin Jitsu Kata


(Forms of Self Defence within Kyushin Ryu)

(Art of Kyushin)




Tori and Uke walk onto the mat from opposite sides, and stand facing each other, about 6 metres apart. Together, they turn towards the joseki and perform a standing bow.

In that position, they then kneel down to a sitting position at the same time, in these movements: kneel on the left knee; kneel on both knees; all toes flat on the mat; sit facing each other; perform a sitting bow.

Tori and Uke then stand, rising from the seated position in the opposite sequence. Tori and Uke then take one pace forward, commencing on the left foot, and adopt a position of readiness.



In preparation for the commencement of the first set of techniques, Uke turns his back on Tori, kneels down, withdraws the club from the belt and places it on the side of the mat. Uke then stands and turns to face Tori.

Tori and Uke approach each other until they are almost two metres apart, in the centre of the mat. Uke raises the right arm, with a clenched fist and steps forward with the left foot in an attempt to strike Tori in a downward swinging blow to the left temple. Tori steps forward and moves inside the blow into position for Ippon Seoinage, and throws Uke to the mat.

Uke steps with the right foot towards Tori and attempts to strike Tori with the back of an open right hand towards the face. Tori quickly blocks the arm with his open left hand and steps into position for O Soto Gari, with his right hand under Uke’s chin, and throws Uke to the mat.

Uke approaches Tori and attempts to strike Tori with a right Mawashi Zuki to the face. Tori steps inside the blow and throws Uke to the mat with O Goshi. Upon landing, Tori applies Ude Gatame to Uke’s right arm, while applying pressure to Uke’s ribs with the right knee. Uke indicates submission.

Tori and Uke face each other, and adjust their gi.



Tori and Uke approach each other until they are almost two metres apart, in the centre of the mat. Uke attempts a Mae Geri to Tori’s abdomen. Tori moves forward to his right, and catches the approaching kick with a left Tsuri Uke. Tori then steps forward with the right foot and performs Kibisu Gaeshi on Uke. Tori withdraws two paces.

Uke approaches Tori and attempts a front bear hug, over both of Tori’s arms. Tori performs a Shuto Zuki to Uke’s ribs to break the grasp, and steps in between Uke’s feet with the right foot. Tori then throws Uke to the mat with Morote Gari. Tori withdraws two paces.

Uke steps towards Tori and attempts to apply a straight arm strangle from directly in front of Tori. Tori disengages the strangle with both arms in an upward direction, and takes hold of each lapel of Uke’s jacket. Tori then throws Uke with Tomoe Nage. Tori rolls over to land straddling Uke’s chest, and applies Nami Juji Jime. Uke indicates submission.

Tori and Uke face each other, and adjust their gi.



In preparation for this set of techniques, Uke turns his back on Tori, kneels down and takes hold of a club on the side of the mat. Uke then stands and turns to face Tori.

Tori and Uke approach each other until they are almost two metres apart, in the centre of the mat. Uke holds the club in the right hand and steps forward with his right foot in an attempt to thrust the club into Tori’s stomach. Tori steps forward to his left, outside the blow, and blocks Uke’s movement with a downward left Shuto Uke. Tori then takes hold of Uke’s right hand with both hands and applies a forward wrist lock takedown, throwing Uke to his right front. Tori extracts the club from Uke’s hand, and places it on Uke’s side of the mat.

Uke regains possession of the club, and approaches Tori in the centre of the mat. Uke attempts to strike Tori with a swinging blow to the front of the body. Tori steps to his left to avoid the blow and controls the blow with a double Harai Uke. Tori then delivers a right Mawashi Geri (with kiai) to Uke’s mid section, causing Uke to fall backwards.

Uke approaches Tori in the centre of the mat. Uke raises the club over his head and attempts to strike Tori with a downward blow to the top of the head. Tori steps inside the blow and blocks Uke’s arm with a left Shuto Uke, and throws Uke to the mat with Tai Otoshi. Tori then delivers a backward heel kick to Uke’s solar plexus with his right heel (with kiai), extracts the club from Uke’s hand and retains possession of the club.

Tori and Uke face each other Tori displays the club towards Uke and places it in his belt, then both adjust their gi.



Tori and Uke stand facing each other, and take one step backwards, commencing on the right foot, and prepare to perform a sitting bow.

In that position, they then kneel down to a sitting position at the same time, in these movements:

kneel on the left knee; kneel on both knees; all toes flat on the mat; sit facing each other; perform a sitting bow.

Tori and Uke then stand, rising from the seated position in the opposite sequence. Together, they turn towards the joseki and perform a standing bow. They then turn to face each other, and step backwards off the mat area, to end the kata.