10th & 9th Kyu
- A finical member of the Kyushin Ryu School of Jujitsu
- A person of good moral character
- Possession of a gi with a white belt
- Participation in 10 active training sessions at the dojo
*Satisfactory completion of Parts A & B of this curriculum are required for advancement to 10th Kyu, while parts C & D are required for advancement to 9th Kyu.
Part A – Theoretical Knowledge
Demonstrate basic knowledge of dojo etiquette and Japanese terminology appropriate to the dojo.
Demonstrate standing and kneeling bows – tachi-rei, zarei
Demonstrate basic knowledge of the three phases of throwing techniques – Kuzushi, Tsukuri, Kake
Demonstrate basic and defensive standing postures – with and without a partner
Demonstrate and explain the use of kiai to distract and open up an opponent.
Part B – Practical Knowledge
Demonstrate basic break-falling techniques – to the rear and side
Demonstrate the effective application of the following:
- 1 Hip Throw
- 1 Leg Throw
- 1 Shoulder Throw
- 1 Hand Throw
- 1 Takedown
- 1 Target Area
- 1 Punch
- 1 Kick
- 1 Block
- 1 Armlock
- 1 Leglock
- 1 Strangle
- 1 Headlock
- 1 Standing Restraint Hold
- 1 Ground Restraint Hold
Part C – Technical Knowledge
Demonstrate and explain the correct method for indicating a submission to a painful technique.
Explain the immediate action to be taken in times of an injury to a partner in the dojo.
Explain the principles of assessment of an injured person – history, symptoms, signs
Part D – Application of Knowledge
Demonstrate the use of the Practical Knowledge requirements in Part B to address grasps and punches from the front and rear while in a standing position. Attacks should include:
- wrist grasps
- straight arm strangles
- punches to the head