Roku Dan to Ju Dan
(Sixth Degree to Tenth Degree Black Belt)
- A financial member in long standing with the Kyushin Ryu School of Jujitsu
- A person of unquestionable moral character and integrity
- A level of fitness appropriate to this grade, taking into account the age and physical ability of the candidate
- A well recognised and respected leader within the Jujitsu community
- A proven history of devotion to the promotion of Jujitsu ethics and skill
- A current NCAP coach
- Adherence to the following time-frame guidelines:
Roku Dan
Shichi Dan
Hachi Dan
Ku Dan
Ju Dan
- 15 Years since achieving Sho Dan
- 21 Years since achieving Sho Dan
- 28 Years since achieving Sho Dan
- 36 Years since achieving Sho Dan
- 45 Years since achieving Sho Dan
The grading panel for Roku Dan and above should consist of a minimum of five examiners, with the Chairperson holding at least one rank higher than the level to be attained by the candidate. A successful pass shall exist only where the Chairperson and at least three other nominated panel members concur.
Promotion to and above Roku Dan is to be based on a combination of skills in a practical demonstration of kata (in addition to the kata nominated for previous gradings), as well as proven service to the art of Jujitsu as an instructor, coach, administrator or official.